DOI: 10.1002/ab.21686
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Teacher attunement to peer‐nominated aggressors

Abstract: This study examined the associations between teacher attunement to aggressive students and students' characteristics in a sample (n = 278) of youth in 5th-grade classrooms with the assumption that certain student characteristics may either prime or hinder teachers' attunement to aggressive students. Teacher attunement was measured as the agreement between teacher- and peer-nominations for students who start fights. Teachers rated their students on the following characteristics: academic competence, affiliation… Show more

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Cited by 18 publications
(25 citation statements)
References 76 publications
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“…Research on social structures suggests it is important for teachers to be aware of social dynamics and to manage the peer system in ways that reduce hierarchies or link status with positive social engagement and prosocial behavior (Farmer, 2000; Rodkin, 2011; Vaillancourt, Hymel, & McDougall, 2003). Furthermore, it is helpful when teachers are attuned to the composition of peer groups and monitor inter- and intragroup activities (Dawes et al, 2017; Hamm, Farmer et al, 2011; Salmivalli, 2014).…”
Section: Conceptual Foundationsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Research on social structures suggests it is important for teachers to be aware of social dynamics and to manage the peer system in ways that reduce hierarchies or link status with positive social engagement and prosocial behavior (Farmer, 2000; Rodkin, 2011; Vaillancourt, Hymel, & McDougall, 2003). Furthermore, it is helpful when teachers are attuned to the composition of peer groups and monitor inter- and intragroup activities (Dawes et al, 2017; Hamm, Farmer et al, 2011; Salmivalli, 2014).…”
Section: Conceptual Foundationsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Specifically, we investigated five dimensions of attunement that are relevant for teachers on a daily basis: Likeability, dislikeability, prosociality, aggression, and risk behavior. For instance, in order to tackle aggressive behavior, teachers need to know which students are the aggressors (Dawes et al., 2017). When bullying occurs, it is useful when teachers know which students tend to behave prosocially as these students may be willing to help the victim.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, teachers’ fatigue as they try to provide ratings for every pair of children in a classroom might potentially hinder the reliability of teacher reports, especially when the classroom size increases and when multiple time points of assessment are needed. Moreover, some researchers have argued that teacher report of classroom social networks may be biased by classroom organization or management, seating arrangements, or teacher–child relationships and that teachers may overly rely on salient characteristics among children (e.g., gender, age) or overt social behaviors (e.g., hitting; Gest, 2006 ; Neal et al, 2011 ; Dawes et al, 2017 ).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%