Objective: Children impacted by adversity and trauma often experience psychological, emotional, behavioral, and academic difficulties. To address these concerns, there is a growing call for trauma-informed school systems to better support students with trauma histories. Teacher involvement in trauma-informed approaches is vital but understudied. Method: We conducted a meta-analytic review of the literature published between 1990 and 2019 to evaluate outcomes for teachers and students involved in teacher-delivered trauma interventions. Inclusion criteria specified peer-reviewed studies, dissertations, and nonacademic reports that used randomized controlled and nonrandomized pre-post intervention designs. Results: We found 20 articles, of which, 12 were pre-post and eight were randomized designs. Seven articles specifically incorporated trauma-informed care (TIC), whereas the other 13 were traditional trauma-based mental health interventions. We conducted meta-analyses to assess student trauma symptom severity and teacher knowledge of trauma-informed practices. Results revealed that after participating in teacher-delivered trauma interventions, students reported significantly reduced trauma symptom severity postintervention and less severity of symptoms than students in the control conditions. There were no differences between trauma-based and TIC intervention student outcomes. Teachers exhibited greater knowledge acquisition after participating in TIC interventions. Conclusion: These findings suggest that trauma interventions, both with and without explicitly referencing TIC principles, are evidence-based in the context of teacher-facilitated school interventions. Additional research is needed to evaluate the organizational benefits of TIC, particularly to determine if the benefits of trauma-informed schools extend beyond students. We conclude with research, policy, and practice recommendations for transformative change to create trauma-informed schools.
Clinical Impact StatementPsychological trauma is a significant disrupter of healthy childhood development, and children benefit from trauma-informed school environments. This meta-analytic review of teacher-delivered trauma interventions supports the expansion of training educators in trauma-informed care (TIC) to support students. Teacher knowledge of student trauma and TIC increased after participating in trauma-informed interventions. Teachers are effective implementers of trauma interventions for improving student symptoms of trauma.