ZusammenfassungDer Übergang vom der ersten Phase der Lehramtsausbildung ins Referendariat wird häufig mit dem Begriff "Praxisschock" verbunden. Viele Studierende und Referendare fühlen sich unzureichend auf den Unterricht in der Schule vorbereitet. Sie fordern deshalb eine stärkere Verzahnung von Theorie und Praxis, also eine Anwendung der erlernten Theorien in "echten" Praxisphasen auch schon in der ersten Phase der Lehramtsausbildung.Das Lehr-Lern-Labor Seminar der Universität Würzburg kann dazu beitragen, diese Verbindung von Theorie und Praxis herzustellen. Grundlegend sollen die Studierenden in diesem Seminar ihr fachliches, didaktisches und pädagogisches (Vor-)
AbstractThe transition from the first phase of the teacher education at the university to the two-year teacher training at school is often associated with the term "reality shock". Many pre-service and in-service teachers feel inadequately prepared for teaching in schools. Therefore, there is an increasing call for a stronger connection of theory and practice. More precisely, pre-service teachers and educators demand an application of the theoretical knowledge in real practice situations already during education at the university.The Student-Lab seminar at the University of Würzburg can contribute to the connection of theory and practice. In this seminar, the participating pre-service teachers should use their content, didactical and pedagogical knowledge to create experimental stations for students on a given topic based on the Bavarian curriculum. Following, the pre-service teachers teach students on microteaching settings at the experimental stations. After every run, the preservice teachers will reflect their teaching peer to peer and with the instructors. According to an iterative practice, there is an ongoing change of practice, reflection and improvement of the stations and the teaching.The connection of theory and practice is strongly related to professional vision. Professional vision describes the ability of a teacher to notice relevant teaching situations and to provide proper reasoning based on theoretical background. It links theoretical knowledge to specific teaching situations and serves as a connection between dispositions and performance, which can be learned during reflection.Due to the iterative reflections of their own teaching and the teaching of fellow students, the Student-Lab seminar could be a promising learning environment for the development of preservice teachers' professional vision. Therefore, the fundamental research questions are as follows: Is it possible to foster the pre-service teachers' professional vision in the Student-Lab seminar? Furthermore, is there an additional effect due to newly integrated video analysis of their own and their fellows' teaching in the Student-Lab? There is also an interest in the influence of individual characteristics on the development of professional vision.Another interest concerns the relation between the pre-service teachers' content knowledge, didactical knowledge and their prof...