The book ‘Technologies Aimed at Health’ edited and published by South Florida Publishing Company brings together five chapters that are relevant to the context of health. The e book aims to enlighten the audience on all research dealing with health education pedagogy, development and new advances in health. It provides an insight into current trends in research in health The chapters are written in English and Spanish The book will feature a study on Trich o scopy of pemphigus vulgaris in remission precisely a tool for decision making to find out if there are any trichoscopy features in P.V. patients in clinical and immunology remission. Chapter T wo is a presentation in Spanish “ Estudiante de medicina: sus ideas y escritura ”. When t ranslated it means ‘medical his ideas and writings. The chapter is about a study conducted by medical students between 2016 and 2017. The students investigated ways of collaborating mutually with an intent to understand and implement various skills, abilities, and knowledge in r eading and production of academic scientific texts. Chapter Three presents a study on the k nowledge of intern doctors about the implementation of telemedicine in health instituti ons. The study evaluated how knowledge of ICT can be integrated into medical practice to diagnose and treat various diseases at the primary care level. Chapter Four explored the relationship between modeling behavior modification practice and enhancement of r eading abilities among leaners with dy slexia in Kenya. The study investigated how use of modeling behavior modif ication can be used to improve reading abilities among learners with learning difficulties. Chapter Five is a study on CDC6 and Geminin expression in cervical cancer cells Precisely , the study evaluates the expression of CDC6 and Geminin in cervical cancer cells with HPV 16 and 18. To the authors, we extend our deepest gratitude for the generosity of your creativity. We hope to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and advancement of health.