'Inclusion' in education, central to Sustainable Development Goal 4 within Agenda 2030, has
gained global prominence. However, its meaning varies widely due to diverse local interpretations,
leading to inconsistent practices. The complexity and lack of comprehensive global documentation
of the concept often results in confusion, with different stakeholders assigning different meanings
to it. This ambiguity challenges the effective implementation of inclusive education policies
This paper aims to outline the various components of inclusive education, drawing on a
comprehensive review of the literature on this concept. The resulting framework is designed to
guide educational institutions in implementing effective inclusive practices.
Initially, inclusive education was mainly associated with catering for students with disabilities and
bridging the gap between special education and mainstream education. However, the concept of
inclusion is much wider in scope.
The right to inclusive education is now defined as a process that shapes culture, practice and policy
within the educational setting. Inclusive education aims to address the diverse needs of individual
students, and to remove barriers that hinders the presence, participation and achievement of
learners. An inclusive approach places emphasis on providing support to groups of learners who
may underachieve or be marginalized or excluded.
This paper identifies key core features of inclusive education through an extensive analysis of
literature and studies focusing on its practical implementation and monitoring. These features
cover various aspects, including the education and learning environment, teacher support, a whole
person approach, respect for value of diversity, stakeholder consultation and collaboration,
partnerships, financing, monitoring and sharing of expertise and resources. The latter components
form a comprehensive framework for understanding and implementing inclusive education
Implementing inclusive education effectively requires a shared understanding of its meaning. This
paper addresses this challenge by presenting a structured framework of inclusive education
components. By providing this practical guide, the paper aims to facilitate the implementation of
inclusive practices across diverse learning environments. The proposed framework serves as a
valuable tool for institutions seeking to enhance their inclusivity, thus supporting the realization
of Sustainable Development Goal 4.