The process involving person(s) who has the authority and/or power to decide what, where, and how curriculum will be put into effect, or accomplished in the classroom. Iowa Department of Education Framework "Curriculum for local schools to use as a means of assessing their current programs in health education and to plan for a comprehensive health education program for the future" (Iowa Department of Education, 1986, p. 1). Health Strand Any one of the eleven mandated health strands required in one unit of health for grades nine through twelve in the School Standards Act (1988). The eleven health strands are: (1) personal health; (2) food and nutrition; (3) environmental health; (4) safety and survival skills; (5) consumer health; (6) family life; (7) human growth and development; (8) substance abuse and nonuse; (9) emotional and social health; (10) health resources; and (11) prevention and control of disease, including sexually transmitted diseases. Secondary School Health Teacher Any individual who is responsible for teaching one or more health strands at the secondary level (Junior High students, ages 12 to 14 and Senior High students, ages 15 to 18). However, for the purpose of this investigation, secondary students, age 14 to 18 or grades nine through twelve will be included.