This study explores the multifaceted role of technology in augmenting early childhood bilingual education, emphasizing interactive software, multimedia resources, online communication, and programming for cognitive development. Through a series of quantitative analyses, this research delineates the significant impact of technology-enhanced learning environments on vocabulary acquisition, engagement, personalized learning, multimodal learning efficacy, phonetic recognition, cultural immersion, global classroom participation, conversational fluency, cultural competency, logic and problem-solving skills, coding for language learning, and creative expression. Findings from statistical methods, including Pearson correlation coefficients, repeated measures ANOVAs, and pre-and post-test designs, reveal notable improvements in language proficiency, cognitive abilities, cultural awareness, and expressive skills among young learners exposed to technology-integrated instruction. Specifically, gamification in language apps, adaptive learning technologies, multimedia input, and programming tasks have shown to considerably enhance educational outcomes. This paper advocates for a strategic integration of digital tools in early childhood bilingual curriculums to foster a comprehensive developmental approach, thereby preparing students for the challenges of a globalized and technologically advanced society.