2011) 'Improving attainment across a whole district : school reform through peer tutoring in a randomized controlled trial.', School eectiveness and school improvement., 22 (3). pp. 265-289. Further information on publisher's website: This is an electronic version of an article published in Tymms, P. and Merrell, C. and Thurston, A. and Andor, J. and Topping, K. and Miller, D. (2011) 'Improving attainment across a whole district : school reform through peer tutoring in a randomized controlled trial.', School eectiveness and school improvement., 22 (3). pp. 265-289. School eectiveness and school improvement is available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/openurl?genre=articleissn=0924-3453volume=22issue=3spage=265Additional information:
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