This project was an initiative through university courses to have graduate in-service teachers, who have learned the use of technology for classroom instruction, offer workshops to undergraduate pre-service teachers. The goals of the project were two-fold. One was to prepare in-service teachers for collegial leadership in using instructional technology through experience in planning and offering workshops to pre-service teachers, and the second was to prepare pre-service teachers for the instructional use of technology in the classroom. To accomplish these objectives, a multiple sections undergraduate professional development course for pre-service teachers was given during a 14 week semester. Forty-three pre-service teachers were in the course. The pre-service teachers were required to develop in conjunction with a classroom teacher a lesson that could be given to elementary or secondary students. Concurrently, a graduate course on using technology in the classroom was offered to the in-service teachers, who were giving the workshops to the pre-service teachers. Twelve inservice teachers administered the workshops. Surveys on all aspects of the project were given to the undergraduates, graduates and cooperating teachers.On a scale from 1 to 4 the undergraduate pre-service teachers' average rating of the success of the workshops given by the graduate in-service teachers was 3.34. The graduate in-service teachers' average rating on the same scale with respect to the success of their experiences with technology and the workshops was 3.40.Finally, 18 cooperating classroom teachers mentored the preservice teachers' technology lessons in the schools. Their average rating of the success of the pre-service teachers' lessons was 3.79. Evaluation of the successes of the project and weaknesses discovered will be discussed.
General TermsTeacher Education