“…Second, the following 26 journals were electronically and manually examined: American Educational Research Journal, Applied Linguistics, In addition, in order to search ER studies in Japanese publications, the following journals were also investigated: ARELE (Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan), JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers) Journal, JALT (Japan Association for Language Teaching) Journal, JLTA (Japan Language Testing Association) Journal, KATE (Kanto-koshinetsu Association of Teachers of English) Journal, LET (Language Education and Technology). 1 Finally, to ensure that additional studies not identified via the above two methods were also discovered, I manually checked eight books on second language reading (Coady, 1997;Day & Bamford, 1998;Grabe, 2009;Grabe & Stoller, 2011;Han & Anderson, 2009;Koda, 2004;Nuttall, 2005;Takase, 2010), and references to additional studies were cross-checked to identify further studies.…”