The research aims to (1) develop an appropriate 6M teaching factory model for practical learning in the Department of Family Welfare Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Makassar with a concentration in Cosmetology, (2) produce a 6M teaching factory model that is valid, practical, and effective for practical learning in the Department of Family Welfare Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Makassar with a concentration in Cosmetology. This study is an R & D (Research and Development)-based development research. The subjects used were 20 students from the Cosmetology concentration. The development method adapted in this study is derived from the Borg and Gall Model, which includes three main stages, namely: preliminary study covering field surveys, document analysis, and theoretical considerations; the design phase involving the creation of a teaching factory model draft and the improvement of the model; and the experimental phase that includes initial inspection, large-scale testing, and final refinement of the product. The results of this research are the creation of a teaching factory learning model called the TEFA 6M, along with operational tools including the TEFA 6M model book, Syllabus, modules, jobsheet, and LPPO. This model is designed to strengthen the practical abilities of students. The TEFA 6M model is divided into seven phases in one round, starting from pre-order, pre-production, production, post-production, packaging, to order delivery. One TEFA 6M model cycle combines soft skill and hard skill activities. The implementation of this model uses a block and rotating system and is concluded with a competency assessment. The developed TEFA 6M model has been validated by experts, revised, and tested on both small and large scales.
Based on the t-test results, it is known that the Sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.000 is smaller than the probability of 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is a difference in test results between the experimental class posttest and the control class posttest. Furthermore, for the average score of the experimental group, a score of 78.38 was obtained, and 42.36 in the control group; thus, the 6M Teaching Factory Learning Model can be said to be effective in the experimental class in improving student competencies in the Facial Makeup Techniques course.
The research indicates that the TEFA-6M model has met the standard of validity. Based on the evaluations carried out, it is known that this teaching approach is practical, in terms of management abilities by the lecturer, and effective, as seen from the level of student activity, student reactions to the functionality and implementation of the model, and from test results that assess task completion.