This paper highlights that teaching for all to learn is a central theme of exemplary practice across all educational contexts from preschool through graduate school (P-20+). Ten unifying principles will be presented based on this theme. Although these principles are consistent across P-20+ settings, the ways in which these practices are implemented will differ, depending on the context. An ecological model for teaching for all to learn will be developed, presenting a conceptual schema of the components and factors involved in exemplary teaching across all contexts from preschool, special education, elementary, secondary, through all levels of higher education.Are there similarities of exemplary practice that transcend all teaching contexts? What lessons can be learned from our colleagues who teach at different levels? Can university professors and elementary teachers learn from each other and share a common professional language? The educational professional community is far too often siloed into categories or groups based on a specific level or context of instruction. The vast majority of teaching conferences, journals, workshops, articles and research studies focus almost exclusively on one subject discipline or at one level of instruction. Although there is much to be gained from sharing content expertise with ones' peers, we are limiting our potential when we do not allow ourselves to view exemplary teaching and effective practices through a larger lens and broader perspective across contexts, levels of instruction and subject disciplines. This paper will illustrate that teaching for all to learn is a central theme of exemplary practice across all educational contexts from preschool through graduate school (P-20+). Ten unifying principles will be presented on this theme. Although these principles are consistent across P-20+ settings, the ways in which these practices are implemented will differ depending on the context. An ecological model for teaching for all to learn will be developed, presenting a conceptual schema of the components and factors involved in exemplary teaching across all contexts from P-12 through higher education settings.