The present study aims to design a model course on Information Literacy (IL) and Research Ethics (RE) for university curricula and examine the role of this course in university ranking. The study followed a mixed approach to collect required data for designing the course. First, research students' responses regarding IL and RE were collected using a structured questionnaire. Then, responses regarding students' ethical practices were collected from the heads of departments of a university. The Director of the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the university was also consulted for his opinions regarding the design of a model course on IL and RE for university curriculum. A total of 142 research students responded to the survey. Results showed that most of the students are unfamiliar with different ethical terms except plagiarism (71.8%). Similarly, departments' heads think that their students are mostly unfamiliar with the terms like intellectual property, paraphrasing and fair use; and inefficient in evaluating information source, ethically using that information and disseminating it through proper channels. Only 23% of students maintained ethics while conducting research works, which sometimes led them into violation of academic integrity. Considering these issues and consulting with IQAC, a course has been designed which might be incorporated in the university curriculum. This is the first initiative in Bangladesh where a model course has been designed and it has been shown how this course can play a vital role in ensuring quality education and influencing university ranking.