Shillingsburg, Frampton, Cleveland, and Cariveau (2018) taught listener and tact by feature, name–feature intraverbal, and feature–name intraverbal responses across sets and reported emergence of responses that were not directly trained for 6 individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The current study was a systematic replication with the addition of instructive feedback (IF) with 2 children diagnosed with ASD. During trials for previously mastered listener by name responses (e.g., “Point to Tennessee” and child selects a picture of Tennessee), the experimenters provided related IF (e.g., “The capital of this state is Nashville”). After 3 sessions, we evaluated the effects of IF on related verbal responses (e.g., listener by feature, tact by feature, name–feature intraverbal, and feature–name intraverbal) across sets probes. We observed increased correct responses for related verbal responses; replicating Shillingsburg et al. Results suggest that the inclusion of IF may increase the efficiency of verbal behavior programming.