Nursing homes are becoming increasingly involved with medical education, and the Veterans Administration (VA) has been particularly active in this movement. We conducted a system-wide survey of VA nursing home facilities to determine the degree to which they participate in medical and other professional training and the features associated with such training. Of the 116 VA nursing homes in 1987, 113 (97.4%) returned completed questionnaires. Compared to "standard" VA facilities (n = 85), "teaching" nursing homes (n = 28)--those in which physicians received at least 20 hours of training per capita annually--were significantly larger, admitted and discharged significantly more patients per occupied bed, and placed a significantly larger proportion of discharged patients in noninstitutional community settings. Care costs in the teaching nursing homes were slightly but not significantly higher, despite significant increases in levels of professional staffing and amounts of training activities in all disciplines. During the survey year, teaching nursing homes provided training experiences for 440 students, residents, and fellows in internal and rehabilitation medicine, as well as for 2,700 other health professionals. The growth of teaching nursing homes in the VA system appears to be associated with positive changes in the pattern of health-care delivery, and it is increasing the number of health-care professionals trained in long-term care.