DOI: 10.3390/math10193577
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Teaching Probabilistic Graphical Models with OpenMarkov

Abstract: OpenMarkov is an open-source software tool for probabilistic graphical models. It has been developed especially for medicine, but has also been used to build applications in other fields and for tuition, in more than 30 countries. In this paper we explain how to use it as a pedagogical tool to teach the main concepts of Bayesian networks and influence diagrams, such as conditional dependence and independence, d-separation, Markov blankets, explaining away, optimal policies, expected utilities, etc., and some i… Show more

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Cited by 4 publications
(5 citation statements)
References 26 publications
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“…Similarly, structuring the data and their analysis with influence diagrams allows us to understand the dynamics in reef areas. The use of the OpenMarkov program is an added value for structuring and analyzing the various possible scenarios that appear plausible [72,90]. The structuring of the chance nodes through the different types of vessel and the activities that may be related to them, the location possibilities in relation to the distance from the reef, as well as the decision nodes related essentially to the time of year, circadian activity and weather duration to practice the different activities, allow us to draw very important lessons in terms of potential catches (professional fishing) and satisfaction with the activity practiced (recreational activities and tourism).…”
Section: Potential Derived From Influence Diagramsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Similarly, structuring the data and their analysis with influence diagrams allows us to understand the dynamics in reef areas. The use of the OpenMarkov program is an added value for structuring and analyzing the various possible scenarios that appear plausible [72,90]. The structuring of the chance nodes through the different types of vessel and the activities that may be related to them, the location possibilities in relation to the distance from the reef, as well as the decision nodes related essentially to the time of year, circadian activity and weather duration to practice the different activities, allow us to draw very important lessons in terms of potential catches (professional fishing) and satisfaction with the activity practiced (recreational activities and tourism).…”
Section: Potential Derived From Influence Diagramsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The table EU can be calculated with OpenMarkov (Arias and Díez, 2008;Arias et al, 2019;Díez et al, 2022), an open-source tool for probabilistic graphical models available at www.openmarkov.org. For these computations OpenMarkov only needs as input the ID model, including the graph (nodes and edges) and the numerical parameters.…”
Section: Computation Of the Expected Utility Tablementioning
confidence: 99%
“…Topics addressed in this Special Issue include data mining, machine learning, learning analytics, prediction methods, pattern recognition, decision analysis, probabilistic reasoning, fuzzy systems, student or patient modelling, adaptive systems, collaborative systems, recommendation systems, experimental design, and empirical study cases. Specifically, there are twenty rigorously reviewed papers included in this Special Issue, with eleven specializing in the field of medicine and health [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] and nine specializing in the field of education [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]. In total, fifteen papers (43% of the received) were rejected for publication.…”
confidence: 99%
“…In the field of education, work is mainly oriented towards improving teaching [12][13][14] or learning [18] and predicting educational performance [15][16][17]20] or drop-out rates [19].…”
confidence: 99%
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