Disorder of autistic spectrum has a high rate of spread in Russia and the world. Russian statistics is subject to deformities in relation to the disease. People diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder and their families are socially excluded. It manifests itself in the institutional plane and in the discursive media space. In the institutional environment, positive changes occur to solve the problem: the work of public organizations and special - virtual and real - social media platforms are intensifying, the information space of messages and news about autism is increasing, the conservative state system is gradually transforming measures of social and educational policies in an inclusive manner. However, at the institutional level of the mass media and public opinion, a wary and often prejudiced attitude towards people and children with mental disorders continues to persist. Among all types of disabilities, mental disorders are the most discriminated. This prevents the implementation of measures of social inclusion by civil society institutions and the state. Intensive informational and educational work with the Russian population is required to overcome myths and stereotypes regarding children and adults with ASD.