Abstract-In recent years there has been an unprecedented development of wireless communications. This progress is a result of the demand for bandwidth and new applications by users. This demand increases more and more. For this reason, engineers and researchers must develop strategies to meet these users' needs. Electronic devices must advance in parallel so that these strategies can be implemented. In addition, to validate these strategies necessary testing and research to determine the feasibility of implementing the proposed methods.It is for this reason that this paper presents the USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) research in digital communications systems. The great advantage of these equipment is that they are programmable radio platforms, this allows the USRP to be reprogrammed, and enabling a lot of communications systems that can be implemented with just a communication device. This paper presents different wireless communications applications where you can use the USRP. In addition, it presents the USRP as a solution for the implementation of future applications of wireless communication.