The striking of the Covid-19 pandemic, defined by an economic slump, has created an emergency asthe capacity of government and nonprofit services to support communities have been stretched close tobreaking point. Team coaching enables teams to collaboratively co-create structures and processesthat support the needs of organizations. Team coaching has accentuated team productivity, improvedengagement levels, and helped reach commonly accepted team goals as a collective strategic practice.Explanatory sequential mixed-method research design consisting of two distinct phases, namelyquantitative and qualitative approaches, was adopted. The target population constituted 154 AshokaFellows organizations working in 19 countries in Africa. Quantitative data was collected usingstructured questionnaires via an online survey, while qualitative data was collected using interviewguides via Zoom. The collected data were analyzed using SmartPLS software for Structural EquationModeling (SEM) as well as Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The study findingsindicated a significant P-value of 0.012. It was further observed that team coaching accounted for29.2% of the variation in collaborative value. Coaching teams should be encouraged to unleash teams'potential to solve problems and form alignment between how they work, deliver, and their continueddevelopment over time as it creates new insights and awareness and translates the latest insights intomeaningful actions.