This article builds on earlier research that made the case for developing a framework to ensure increased, sustained, creative activity in engineering organisations. A milestone in the development of such a framework is the identification of the elements of creativity that need to be considered. This research reviews the literature on the systems perspective on creativity to identify seven elements of creativity that have been proposed in the literature. A literature review on each of these seven elements is presented to (i) determine whether the element should be included in the framework; (ii) define the element for the purpose of the framework; and (iii) determine whether any author proposes an aspect of creativity that cannot be accommodated under one of the seven elements as they have been defined here.
OPSOMMINGHierdie artikel volg op vroeër navorsing wat 'n saak gemaak het vir die ontwikkeling van 'n raamwerk om verhoogde, volgehoue, kreatiewe aktiwiteit in ingenieursorganisasies te verseker. 'n Mylpaal in die ontwikkeling van so 'n raamwerk is die identifisering van die elemente van kreatiwiteit wat in ag geneem moet word. Hierdie navorsing hersien die literatuur oor die stelselperspektief op kreatiwiteit om sewe elemente van kreatiwiteit wat in die literatuur voorgestel word te identifiseer. 'n Literatuuroorsig van elkeen van hierdie sewe elemente word aangebied om (i) te bepaal of die element in die raamwerk ingesluit moet word; (ii) die element te definieer vir die doel van die raamwerk; en (iii) vas te stel of enige outeur 'n aspek van kreatiwiteit voorstel wat nie onder een van die sewe elemente soos wat hul hier definieer is bygewerk kan word nie.
INTRODUCTIONThis article builds on earlier research [1] that made the case that (i) creativity plays a role throughout the engineering design process, and that it is possible to incorporate creativity into the engineering design process in a systematic manner; (ii) doing this at the very least, holds significant potential for economic benefit; and (iii) due to the complex interplay between creativity and the wide range of factors that influence it, organisational climates and management practices cannot simply be assumed to support creativity effectively. The article proposes that organisations should be managed proactively to support creativity in engineering design.The earlier work has given rise to the following research question: Can a framework for systemically increasing and measuring creativity in engineering organisations be developed? A sub-research question that originates from this is: What are the key elements that should be taken into account when attempting to develop such a framework for engineering organisations? This sub-research question is the focus of this article.The article starts with an exploration of the systems perspective on creativity in general, and on organisational creativity in particular, to identify seven elements of creativity defined by various