The aim was to develop new materials that would, after appropriate machining processes, improve the surface roughness and wettability of contact lenses. The samples used in this investigation were standard rigid gas-permeable (RGP) SOLEKO contact lenses, made of poly-MMA-co-siloxy silane methacrylate material (known under the commercial name SP40 TM ), and its modifications by adding three nanomaterials: fullerene C60 (designated as SP40-A), fullerol C60(OH)24 (designated as SP40-B) and methformin hydroxylate fullerene C60(OH)12(OC4N5H10)12 (designated as SP40-C). Both atomic force microscopy (AFM) and magnetic force microscopy (MFM) were used to measure the topography and gradient of the magnetic field of the nanophotonic materials and the reference samples. According to the magnetic properties of all the materials yielded by MFM it can be concluded that adding fullerene and its derivatives certainly reduces the spectrum of the phase shifts angle by almost 50 %, which increases the paramagnetic characteristics of the nanophotonic material. The positive result of nanophotonic materials characterization is the fact that the roughness parameter values for all of these materials, are lower than those for the basic material. A surface lacunarity analysis, based on in-house procedures for determining the lacunarity value of contact lens surfaces, confirms the influence of surface topology on the tear film volume distribution and, consequently, the contact lens' surface lubrication. The presence of carbon nanomaterials, according to the surface roughness parameters, are improved for rigid gas-permeable (RGP) contact lenses made from nanophotonic polymer materials compared to those produced from the basic material. Keywords: fullerenes, polymer materials, surface roughness, atomic force microscopy, magnetic force microscopy Namen je bil razviti nov material, ki bi po ustrezni strojni obdelavi zmanj{al hrapavost povr{ine in omo~ljivost kontaktnih le~. Vzorci, uporabljeni v tej raziskavi so bile standardne toge, za plin prepustne (RGP) SOLEKO kontaktne le~e, narejene iz poli-MMA-ko-siloksi silan metakrilatnega materiala (s komercialnim imenom poznanega SP40 TM ) in njihove modifikacije z dodatkom treh nanomaterialov: fulerena C60 (ozna~enega kot SP40-A), fulerola C60(OH)24 (ozna~enega z SP40-B) in metformin hidroksilat fulerena C60(OH)12(OC4N5H10)12 (ozna~enega z SP40-C). Uporabljeni so bili: mikroskopija na atomsko silo (AFM), mikroskopija na magnetno silo (MFM) za merjenje topografije in gradient magnetnega polja nanofotonskih materialov in referen~nih vzorcev. Skladno z magnetnimi lastnostmi vseh materialov, dobljenih z MFM, je mogo~e zaklju~iti, da dodajanje fulerenov in njegovih izpeljank, mo~no zmanj{a spekter kotov faznega premika za skoraj 50 %, kar pove~a paramagnetne zna~ilnosti nanofotonskih materialov. Pozitivni rezultati karakterizacije nanofotonskih materialov so, da so vrednosti parametra hrapavosti pri vseh teh materialih ni`je kot pri osnovnem materialu. Analiza povr{inske razporeditve praznin, na osnovi...