Keywords: resonance in pressure conduits at HPP, pressure pulsations in the flow-through run of hydraulic turbines, frequency characteristics of conduit-turbine systems, hydromechanical transitional processes, Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP.In world practice involving water-power design, solutions for the building pressure conduits, and, in part, basic water-power equipment, are adopted on the basis of numerical modeling of the performance of HPP in transitional processes. Modern numerical models describe in detail characteristics of turbine equipment and water conduits, and the operating regimes of automated control systems at generating-set and plant levels. In effect, we are speaking of a computerized analogy of an actual hydroelectric power plant, enabling us to simulate any official and unofficial situations that may arise during service.Experience with analysis of the failure at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP has indicated the utility of a mathematical model of the HPP, which has made it possible to reestablish the complete picture of development of the failure [1]. This failure has again raised questions concerning evaluation of the pulsation status of the turbine system -the flowthrough run under steady-state conditions and during transitional processes, the stability of the conditions at the HPP during forced fluctuations in carrying capacity and pressure.Existing mathematical models permit detailed description of processes associated with the motion of final-control elements of the turbines in regulating the frequency, power, startups, shutdowns, and load drops. Determination of water hammers and pulsations in a single transitional process is one of the critical problems in refinement of the mathematical models.The nonsteady character of the flow within the turbine is generated by disturbing effects with a spectrum of from tenths of percents to hundreds of hertz. These include lowfrequency disturbances associated with rotation of the vortex core beneath the impeller, medium-frequency disturbances associated with flow past the turbine blades and the blades of the vane guide, and high-frequency disturbances occurring with separation of the eddies from the blades. Moreover, reverse, double-reverse, paddle, and blade frequencies, and the frequency of the torsional vibrations of the shaft of the generating set are observed.For such a broad frequency spectrum of forced oscillations, it is highly probable that their resonance with the natural pressure fluctuations in the pressure conduit of the draft tube will develop at the major or multiple frequencies. However, this resonance has its own peculiarities.Analytical solutions and scientific data indicate that pressure fluctuations during resonance do not increase infinitely, but are limited on principle. This is manifested for all load, and also acceleration and deceleration regimes. The position concerning the limited nature of pressure fluctuation in a pressure conduit subject to resonance is basic to analysis of processes in the flow-through runs of the hydraulic turb...