For the Isotope Decay At Rest (IsoDAR) experiment in neutrino physics (searching for sterile neutrinos), we have developed a novel compact isochronous cyclotron with direct injection through an axially embedded RFQ. For IsoDAR to be decisive within five years of running, 10 mA of protons, cw at 80 % duty factor are needed on a neutrino production target. To alleviate space charge in the cyclotron driver, we accelerate 5 mA of H+2, to be broken up into 10 mA of protons after extraction from the cyclotron. An open question that we are answering with this paper is whether the beam losses from gas-stripping (the removal of electrons from H+2 through the interaction of the beam ions with the residual gas in the accelerator) are going to be a significant challenge. Using a newly added feature to the wellestablished OPAL code, we calculate Lorentz stripping and gas-stripping losses in the IsoDAR cyclotron using realistic beam distributions, magnetic fields, gas composition, and pressure. We show that to maintain losses due to dissociation below 1 % over the entire acceleration region, a vacuum of at least 6·10−7 mbar is required.