“…Congestion measured using either decomposition ( 9) or ( 11) is the most important source of inefficiency at the sample level in at least eight articles we are aware of: and Byrnes, Färe, Grosskopf, and Lovell (1988) both analyse US surface coal mines, Ç akmak and Zaim (1992), Wu, Devadoss, and Lu (2003) and Zhengfei and Oude Lansink (2003) assess Turkish, American and Dutch agriculture respectively, Färe, Grosskopf, and Pasurka (1989) analyse US electric utilities, Mulumba, Nalubanga, Nankanja, Manasseh, Månsson, and Hollén (2017) assess Ugandan referral hospitals, and Odeck (2006) evaluates the Norwegian public bus companies. Just to offer some basic idea of the amount of waste involved, Table 1 summarises for each study the average amount of congestion efficiency as well as its incidence (% of sample).…”