In the optimization of engineering systems, constraints are frequently encountered in the form of equalities as well as inequalities. In many instances, the equality constraints can be readil handled simply by solving for a simple rearrangement is not possible has not received adequate attention in the literature. An equality which does not allow one variable to be solved readily in terms of the other variables is termed a dilqicult equality. The purpose of this note is to present an effective procedure to handle difficult equality constraints in nonlinear programming problems. (1) with the hyperboloidand consider the problem of determining the maximum distance from the origin to the intersection of the ellipsoid with the hyperboloid. We may consider the square of the distance and thus formulate the problem as the maximization of ( 3 ) subject to the constraints of Equations (1) and ( 2 ) . To keep the problem as simple as possible to visualize, no inequality constraints are added.The constraints given by Equations (1)