Previous investigations revealed that fish inner ear otolith growth depends on the amplitude and the direction of gravity. Both otolith total size, otolith bilateral size-asymmetry and the total and bilateral calcium-incorporation are also affected by gravity. Hypergravity, e.g., slows down otolith growth and diminishes bilateral otolith asymmetry as compared to 1 g control specimens raised in parallel. Since the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA) plays a prominent role in otolithic calcification, the reactivity of inner ear CA during otolith growth under hypergravity was investigated. CA-reactivity was demonstrated histochemically and densitometrically on sections of inner ear maculae of larval cichlid fish (Oreochromis mossambicus), that were kept for 6 hrs in a 3 g hypergravity centrifuge. The total unilateral macular CA-reactivity and the bilateral difference in CA between the left and the right maculae were significantly lower in 3 g animals than in 1g controls. The result is in complete agreement with previous studies indicating that a regulatory mechanism, which adjusts otolith size and asymmetry towards the gravity vector, acts via activation/deactivation of macular CA.