Hypochliorie soilutions are thought to be efficacious when used to topi.cally dft-ontaminaise intact skin. However, lb~w -studios havo exarn-ined the efficacy of decontarninatiOn of chrmacally contamninated wounds. Therefore, we cornpafed the decontamination efficacy of sodium hypochlcinte (0 5% and 2 5% solutions), calcium hyoochlonle (0 5% and 2 5% soluttions) and Stente water to untreated controls in wounds exposed to sultur mustard (HO). Anesthetized euthymic hairles guinea pigs (EHGP) (n--6) were exposed tn 0 4 LD50 HO in a hA-thickntss 8 mm surgical bmop~sy skin deflect (ioe wound) Each animal was subsequenstfy ocantamtnoted, after a twO-minuto intra-wound4 exposure to iqjuid HD, with~ Oon Ot the dtecontamrination solutions Oirontamination etficacy was determiined by the visual grad-mg of the HOtraumatized wound lesion and by comparison of !he exoected HO1-induced leukocyte supprssionLeikcicyte supprwgoon wmev iricrnsisteril in alt animnals, theOreor, the visual grading was the only v~iable evaluation method No signiticant dfl"jri'ncos were rAbsonipj amrong wouinds decontaiminated w~1h any of tho noilutons However. the Okn surrounding undecontamiruited ibul sexposed) control animails .khowed the 'esil-votual ;:-.vhotoqy The lesions induced follonwing decontamsinaton are preisume.,d to be due to the mpc~onv-cAl flushing of HO oo-to the peni-lestioiial ikin, or bry chemical damAqe induced by the %Lcution, or H0t-solution intetraction Further studies are requireod to bast deineatte the optimal deconlaminnatiton procosi for HO cor'taminittad wounds