The usage possibility of 19 composites of raw refractory clays from Serbia containing approximately 53.29% of SiO 2 and 26.73% of Al 2 O 3 is presented. The sum of uxing oxides was 57.74%, while these materials contained 32% of quartz, 29% of kaolinite and 26% of illite-mica. Dilatometry tests revealed a sudden shrinkage with the peak at approximately 1115 °C, owing to the formation of mullite. The refractoriness was in the range of 1581-1718 °C, which classies the composites from low-to high-duty refractories. Based on correlation analysis, the refractoriness mostly depended on the content of alumina. The lightness of the red test pieces was lower after ring when compared to the dry samples, and it decreased with the ring temperature from reddish to grayish. The study presents a novel attempt to dene all the necessary properties of raw refractory clays and products red at the 1100-1300 °C range on a laboratory level. Most of these clays can be used as natural refractory materials for ceramic and glass furnace lining. The organic matter in some of the samples inuences negatively the fast-ring process.