In recent years, there has been a significant increase in demand for herbal medicines, due to the growing interest of consumers in natural and safe alternatives to synthetic medicines. In response to these trends, manufacturers are focusing on developing new formulas and extraction technologies to meet the increased demand for herbal medicines. Modern extraction methods make it possible to efficiently extract secondary metabolites from plant raw materials, maintaining an almost complete chemical composition and ensuring a high yield of extractives. The possibility of regulating the concentration of extracted biologically active substances during the process opens up new prospects for the use of plant raw materials as basic pharmaceutical substances. It was found that all the studied plant species of the genus Crocus L. demonstrate antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective activity. Crocus alatavicus, which is a representative of the flora of Kazakhstan, is of particular interest. The purpose of this study is to select the optimal extraction method for obtaining extracts with the maximum content of flavonoids and carotenoids from the aboveground part of Crocus alatavicus. The study of the technological parameters of obtaining an extract from this plant active substance is of practical importance for the further development of medicines and the formation of a scientific justification for their use.