The main methods for processing ceramic materials based on reaction-sintered silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicide are described. The technological conditions of nonmetallic ceramic materials processing depending on the oxide silicide composition in the powder mixture are studied and analyzed. It is determined that the increase in the lifetime of ceramic materials based on silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicide can be achieved by introduction of zirconium oxide, yttrium oxide and hafnium oxide. Based on the carried out investigations, optimal conditions for selecting the concentration of these additives, which ensure high saturation speed and improve the operational parameters of the products are proposed. It is also determined that in order to intensify the processing of ceramic materials based on reaction-sintered ceramic materials, various compositions of the silicide oxide composition can be introduced into the saturation medium. Diffusion saturation of ceramic materials with titanium hydride provides high saturation speed and good quality of the surface to be treated. The study of the kinetics of the interaction of silicoboride phase with the carborundum and disilicide with molybdenum base showed that, with increasing heating duration, the thickness of the diffusion coating decreases. The final operation of the process for processing reaction-sintered ceramic materials is to apply silicon-based surface of carbide-silicate and disilicide molybdenum samples of the suspension layer of silicide oxide composition containing molybdenum disilicide, zirconium-yttrium ceramics, and sodium aluminate. The proposed method of processing reaction-sintered ceramic materials increases in 2 and 1.5 times the lifetime of samples based on silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicide. The results of the carried out research show that the proposed method can be recommended for the processing of products based on reactionsintered carbide silicic acid and disilicide molybdenum materials used for the manufacturing the electric heaters and various types of structural elements of high-temperature equipment.