Abstract-Fever has different causes and types, but with similar symptoms. Therefore, making fever diagnosis with human physiological symptoms more complicated. This research project delves into the design of a web based expert multi-fever diagnosis system using a novel fuzzy symptom classifier with human self-observed physiological symptoms. Considering malaria, Lassa, dengue, typhoid and yellow fever. The fuzzy-symptom classifier has two stages. Fist stage is fever type confirmation using common fever symptoms, leading to five major fuzzy rules and the second phase is determining the level of infection (severe or mild) of the confirmed type of fever using unique fever symptoms. Furthermore, Case studies during the system implementation yielded data collected from 50 patients of having different types of fever. The analysis clearly shows the effectiveness and accuracy in the system performance through false result elimination. In addition, acceptability of the system was investigated through structured questionnaire administered to same 50 patients. This result clearly indicates that the system is well accepted, by users and considered fairly easy to use, time and cost saving.Index Terms-Fuzzy classifier, fever diagnosis, multi fever, expert fever diagnosis.