Keywords: Farinograph, wheat dough, inulin, naked barley, malt, potex
INTRO DUCTIO NBread and pastries are basic foods consumption of which in Slovakia, despite the downturn in recent years still reaches high numbers, around 67 kg per person per year. However, considering the technology of milling of cereals, where the milling process changes the appearance and nutrition value of cereal grains by separating the bran and germ from the endposperm and reducing the particle size (Barbosa and Yan, 2003), it is appropriate to consider the enrichment of bread with nutritionally important ingredients that would increase its nutritional benefits for consumers and technological properties (Paturi et al., 2012). One of the groups of biologically important substances consumed in insufficient quantities is fibre, which is often deficient in the diet. Generally speaking, dietary fibre is the edible parts of plants, or similar carbohydrates, that are resistant to digestion and absorption in the small intestine (Lattimer and Haub, 2010). T here are many beneficial effects of increased dietary fibre consumption on human health and body function. Many studies have confirmed the beneficial effect of fibre on human health, especially on the physiology of digestion (Farde t, 2010; Yikyung et al., 2011; Gong and Yang, 2012). In addition to the favourable preventive effect on development and progression of gastrointestinal diseases, such as colon and rectum cancer, chronic inflammation of the colon, gallbladder diseases, fibre is important in the prevention of so-called lifestyle diseases -type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, cardio-vascular diseases, etc.
MATERIAL AND METHO DSIn the work was used wheat flour type T-650 as basic material obtained from the operating grinding mill (Vitaflóra Kolárovo, Slovak Republic). To this flour were added selected polysaccharides and cereals containing polysaccharides potentially suitable for enrichment bakery products in the quantities: Composite flours were analyzed in order to determine the rheological properties by Farinograph-E, Brabender OhG, Duisburg, Germany (ICC Standard 115/1, 1992, AACC Method 54-21, 1995. T he mixing curve is characterized by an ascending part that indicates the changes during the dough development process, while the subsequent decline in the resistance is taken as a sign of a steady breakdown of the dough structure upon mixing beyond th e point of optimum development. Optimum development from the standpoint of bread quality may occur slightly past "mixing peak". The effect of the inulin, naked barley, malt and potex addition on consistency, water absorption, dough development time, stability and degree of softening were established (FU = farinograph units -unit commonly used for evaluation of rheological consistency in bakery practice. It One of the most important biological substances consumed in insufficient quantity is fibre that is often deficient in the diet. In general, dietary fibre is edible part of plants, or similar carbohydrates, that are resistant t...