Background. The problem of grain quality remains relevant in the aspect of reviving the traditions of Saratov bakery. Rheological characteristics of test semi-finished products are determined by the ratio and interaction of glutenin and gliadin, which are important in the formation of viscoelastic properties of semi-finished products and the quality of the final product. Gliadins determine the viscosity and extensibility of the dough, and glutenins have cohesive properties and contribute to giving the dough strength and elasticity. Hard wheat contains more protein gliadin, which is responsible for the extensibility of the dough and quite a bit of gluten, which is responsible for elasticity and elasticity, which is very important for improving the elastic properties of the Saratov roll. This is due to the fact that in the old days, a mixture of flour from durum wheat varieties with flour from soft varieties was used in the recipe of the roll in a ratio of 25:75, which provided special properties to the product, the quality of which was evaluated by compression of the roll at a height of 40 cm to the thickness of the cake, to restore the original shape.Purpose: to investigate the mixing ability of durum wheat and soft wheat varieties for the production of Saratov kalach.Materials and Methods. As objects of research, varieties of spring durum wheat of the laboratory of breeding and seed production of spring durum wheat of the FSBI "FANTZ of the South-East": Elizavetinskaya, Luch 25, Gordeiforme 432; varieties of soft wheat of the Laboratory of Genetics and Cytology of the FSBI "FANTZ of the South-East": Alexandrite and Favorit; a variety of soft wheat of the Vavilov University: Agro SP. Wheat quality indicators were evaluated according to GOST 9353-2016. The protein content was determined on the Infratek 1241 grain analyzer. The water absorption capacity of flour mixtures and such indicators of rheological properties of test semi-finished products as the time of dough formation, consistency, stability, degree of liquefaction 10 minutes after start and 12 minutes after maximum, quality indicators were determined using a farinograph according to GOST ISO 5530-1-2013. Determination of rheological properties using an alveograph according to GOST R 51415-99.Results. Based on the results of pharynographic and alveographic assessments in mixtures with soft wheat, the mixing value of durum wheat varieties was revealed and the quantitative ratios of the components (durum wheat - soft wheat) in the mixtures were substantiated. The following flour mixtures are recommended for the production of Saratov kalach: based on flour from soft wheat grain Alexandrite with flour from durum wheat grain Alexandrite-Elizavetinskaya, Alexandrite-Luch 25 and Alexandrite-Gordeiforme 432 in a ratio of 85:15, based on flour from soft wheat grain Agro SP with flour from durum wheat grain Agro SP- Elizavetinskaya and Agro SP-Luch 25 in the ratio of 85: 15, which will be beneficial from an economic point of view.Conclusions. The results of rheological indicators obtained on the alveograph and farinograph allow you to select varieties of soft and durum wheat, choose their optimal ratios in composite mixtures for the production of Saratov kalach. And predict an increase in the shape stability and specific volume of the Saratov roll, which will lead to an improvement in its elastic properties.