Current global trends of digitalization form a new development paradigm, which entails fundamental changes in the processes of strategic modernization of public administration. The study aims to identify trends in the digital transformation of public administration as a condition for increasing social value through the formation of a platform paradigm.
The authors have developed a model of digital technological architectural environment of public administration, which allows to significantly improve the process of digital interaction with society, with business, but most importantly, to improve the process of efficiency of the state system in the quality of public service delivery.
The authors have structured the definition of the digital transformation of public administration, which represents a transition from the traditional to a holistic transformative approach of digital government.
This article describes the key processes that will define the strategic contours of the digital transformation of public administration, associated with the launch of the next innovation and technology cycle.
The authors have shaped the prospects of using the possibilities of digitalization of public administration, including its digital restructuring, to further its assimilation of the principle of management by results, to improve its efficiency.
To solve the research problems, the authors used a set of scientific methods: system analysis, abstraction, analysis and synthesis. The main method of research was content analysis.
The result of the study is a comprehensive forecast of possible stages of modernization of public administration in conditions of deep penetration of digital technologies, which improve the provision of public services. The development of architectural technological environment will ensure the standardization of digital systems aimed at efficient digital public administration, combining ease of use with high functionality.
The conclusions formed on the implementation of the results of the study will contribute to scientific research aimed at implementing structural change programmes in public administration.