The aim of this paper is to present the results of the safety level measurement of radiological andnuclear (RN) quasi-experiment (q-E), which was carried out in 2016 in the Chernobyl ExclusionZone, in Pripyat town, as part of the End-user driven DEmo for cbrNe project (EDEN, FP7/2012-2016, under grant agreement no. 313077). The paper analyses the q-E executed in such a radiologicallycontaminated area of the town to verify a hypothesis that is formulated as follows: providing a safetyplan and the correct execution of the q-E, including using appropriate personal protective equipmentas well as following strict safety rules, guarantee an acceptable safety level for first responders takinga part in q-E conducted in Pripyat area as per relevant legal regulations. The experimental methodwith the quantitative measurements of effective gamma dose, using thermoluminescent dosimeters(TLD) and task related monitoring using electronic dosimeters (ED)was utilised. The individualeffective gamma doses for each q-E participant, for two days of the exposure, have been measured.The total effective gamma doses for each participant have been calculated and compared witheffective dose rates limits regulations. The received results proved that the assumed hypothesis waspositively verified from the international and Polish legal standpoint, which defines gamma radiationthresholds for exposed personnel and ordinary persons.