Abstract. The spectroscopy of solar neutrinos is now entering the precision era, after a golden age which has led to the discovery of neutrino oscillations and the MSW effect. In this paper we summarise the current experimental knowledge in the field and its future perspectives, showing that solar neutrino detectors are and will remain a crucial tool for a deeper understanding of stars, neutrinos, and fundamental physics. We also show that solar neutrinos may become pivotal for the search of sterile neutrinos.
Historical introductionThe development of solar neutrino physics in recent years may be divided into two periods. The first, which lasted from the early 70s until 2001, began with the pioneering work of the radiochemical 37 Cl experiment at Homestake (1970-1994, [1]), grew with the study of high energy (E>6 MeV) solar neutrinos by means of the water Cherenkov detectors at Kamioka mine in Japan (KamiokaNDE 1983(KamiokaNDE -1995[3] and Super-KamiokaNDE 1996-present [4]), continued with the detection of low energy neutrinos with gallium radiochemical experiments (Gallex [5], SAGE [6]), and was concluded by the discovery of solar neutrino oscillations by SNO [7][8].The second period started after the convincing discovery of neutrino oscillations and the beginning of the high precision era of solar physics, which has been initiated mainly by the SNO, KamLAND and Borexino experiments and which continues to develop thanks to upgrades and improvements of existing experiments and the design of future detectors.The first period, certainly a golden age for neutrino physics, has witness the first detection of solar neutrinos at different energies, which have proved unambiguously that the Sun's energy has a nuclear origin, the development of a very refined Standard Solar Model (SSM), the recognition of a sharp discrepancy between the model itself and the observed neutrino rates (the so called Solar Neutrino Problem, SNP), and the triumphal discovery of neutrino flavour oscillations as the sole possible explanation of that discrepancy.Although solar neutrino oscillations were, since the very beginning, a possible explanation of the SNP, the favour increased only when a clear evidence of oscillations was found in 1998 by means of atmospheric neutrinos [9].The observed deficit is explained by the fact that most solar neutrino experiments are either insensitive to muon or tau neutrinos, or have a suppressed cross section. The fact that the deficit is energy dependent requires the so called MSW effect [10] the SNO experiment that closed the story. The use of heavy water made the experiment able to measure separately the electron neutrino and the total neutrino flux at Earth, proving without ambiguities that the total neutrino flux at is the same as predicted by the SSM and that the electron neutrino flux is reduced by oscillations. Later measurements with enhanced neutron detection capability, first by dissolving salt in water and later with 3 He detectors, have confirmed the result. The oscillation picture was confirmed s...