I dedicate this thesis to my family, Mrs Mcambi, Sipho, Samu, Letho and Malum'Du, for making sure that I have all the needs and wants. I dedicate this to my extended family, for accepting me for who I am.More specially, this thesis is dedicated to my late father uMathaba, who once said "Usuyofunda ke mtanami, ufundele nathi sonke esingafinyelelanga la ofike khona" (go study my child, study for all of us, for we were unable to get to where you are).To my late brother Lihle, I know you are proud of me. This is also dedicated to all my friends who helped in many ways to get to the finishing line.iii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSIt is with great pleasure to acknowledge the following individuals, for walking by my side through this journey.God and my Ancestors, for the strength and courage, to run with this to completion. It was not an easy journey.Prof. Asheena Singh-Pillay, for your endless, prompt, and passionate support. Without your drive-in academia, I would not have made it this far, thank you for trusting me and always pushing me towards the finishing line. I respect you tirelessly.My technology colleagues for participating in this research journey.The School Principals for granting me permission to work in their schools.The Department of Basic Education (KZN) for giving me an opportunity to conduct my research.Dr Shoba for being a consistent supporting structure.My friends for making sure that my mental health is taken care of.