I wish to express my thanks to the many people who have helped, in various ways, in the endeavour that culminated in this thesis. Firstly, I'd like to thank my principal supervisor Peter Hayes, who pointed me in the right direction, and gave me invaluable assistance throughout the project. And also my industrial supervisor Jim Happ, for the stimulating discussions, and for the great help during the write-up. A big thanks to George Spatny, Barry Wood, and Owyne Radford, who helped me get the mass spectrometer operational, and without whom I'd probably still be poring over electronic flowsheets. Thanks to Baojun Zhao, and Nick Kinaev, for the EPMA and SEM work. Thanks also to Bill Adams for putting the Pyrox furnace together, John Wedmaier, and Peter Matanovic, for teaching me how to use a screwdriver, and Andy Wu, who was great company when nothing was working. Appreciation for the efforts of those souls who cheerfully proofread my thesis-Penny, Steve, and particularly Elli, who put in the long hours. I'd also like to thank all those people who made the experience so much more than just a PhD. My housemates Elli, Kerstin, Bemie, and Brett, with whom I shared many long evenings on the kitchen floor, my sisters Penny and Janine, who always showed me a good time, even when I had to be dragged out, and to Steve who gave me perspective, and a smile. I'd also like to thank my parents, who gave me immeasurable support and encouragement, and many enjoyable Sunday evenings. Thanks also to my office buddies, and all the people in the department who provided friendship and entertainment.