This paper considers the possibility of using rice husks as enterosorbing fibers in the production of fermented milk products. The results of studying the fermented milk product using L. diacetylactis, L. bulgaricus, and Bacteriumbifidum microflora with the introduction of enterosorbing dietary fibers (ESDF) are reported. The technology of processing and preparation for the introduction of rice husks is described. Rice husks were studied for different particle sizes, the optimal option in the form of powder was selected. The behavior, influence on the shelf life, and viability of lactic acid bacteria in the finished product were investigated. The study of the chemical composition showed that in the examined samples the protein content increased by 25 %, carbohydrates – by 1.6 %, and dry matter – by 18 %; the content of dietary fiber (2.3 g) is 9 % of the daily value. An organoleptic assessment was also analyzed, based on which it was revealed that the rational dose of rice husks is 12 %. The dose of ESDF introduction varied from 0 to 5 %, in increments of 1 %. The optimization method revealed the area of the optimum, based on which repeated studies of the fermented milk product, produced according to the optimal formulation, were carried out. To assess safety, such indicators as QMAFAnM (the quantity of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms), titrated acidity and pH, as well as the content of heavy metals in the resulting samples were investigated. Enriching the fermented milk product with dietary fiber has made it possible to obtain a product with higher organoleptic properties and increased nutritional value while maintaining the consumer properties of the product