This article would explore the practice of Arabic teaching and learning on minority muslim of Indonesia. There are three regions that allready explored, they are Papua, Minahasa, and Bali. Teachers are required to be actively using appropriate techniques and methods to stimulate students' interest in Arabic learning and teaching by emphasizing on aspects which are not different from other languages. In addition to language aspects, this writing is also presenting Arabic learning scopes which make Arabic learning easy to understand by the learners, especially by the beginners. Methods, techniques and media and approaches of the teachers play active role in learning process in the school, especially in Arabic learning where those all are supporting to achieve expected learning competencies. Arabic learning is inseparable from social and environmental scope around it. There is public role should be foundation and consideration continuously in the programming of learning system which will be implemented. Environmental condition becomes one of dimensions building the society. With inter-society meeting and building collaborations between them, social conflicts may be prevented. This formulation will be inseparable part within running classes. Psychological condition taken from outside into inside of the classes may contribute to cultivate the learning process. Finally, it is a proposal to enhance the material of teaching and learning in elementary school in adapting the condition of students. This material, besides using demonstration technique, a language is learned very light and easy to be understood, while the learning process is involving the learners to be actively using such method.