A field test of the Rapid Transuranic Monitoring Laboratory (RTML) developed at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) was conducted as part of a demonstration sponsored by the Buried Waste Integrated Demonstration (BWlD).The RTML is a mobile, field-deployable laboratory developed for use at buried radioactive waste remediation sites to allow onsite preparation and analysis of soil, smear, and air filter samples for alpha and gamma-emitting contaminants. Analytical instruments installed in the RTML include an extended range, germanium photon analysis spectrometer with an automatic sample changer, two large-area ionization chamber alpha spectrometers, and four alpha continuous air monitors. The performance of the RTML was tested at the Test Reactor Area and Cold Test Pit near the Radioactive Waste Management Complex at the INEL. Objectives, experimental procedures, and an evaluation of the performance of the RTML are presented. iii p • Lf $ • | .__ SUMMARY This report presents the results of a field test of the Rapid Transuranic Monitoring Laboratory (RTML) conducted at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) during the summer of 1993. The RTML is a mobile laboratory developed at the INEL for use in characterizing low-level radiological source terms at buried radioactive waste remediation sites. Analytical instruments . installed in the RTML include a thin-window, germanium photon spectrometer equipped with an automatic sample changer, two large-area ionization chamber alpha spectrometers, and four alpha continuous air monitors (CAMs). The RTML was tested for the Buried Waste Integrated Demonstration (BWlD) at the Test Reactor Area (TRA) and Cold Test Pit (CTP), which is adjacent to the INEL's Radioactive Waste Management Complex (RWMC). The CTP at the INEL was constructed to provide a nonradioactive and nonhazardous test bed for retrieval and other remedial action demonstrations. The pit measures approximately 150 ft long x 40 ft wide and is located in an old soil borrow area about 200 yards south of the RWMC boundary. This report presents an evaluation of the performance of the RTML during the field test.Direct alpha spectrometry with a large-area ionization chamber and photon spectrometry with a high-resolution, n-type, extended range germanium spectrometer were shown to be rapid, sensitive methods for the measurement of transuranic isotopes on smears and in soil and dust samples. The two analysis techniques do not require elaborate sample preparation or time-consuming chemical separations; soil samples for the photon spectrometer are dried and sieved before analysis, and soil samples for the ionization chambers are dried, sieved, and ground in 30% ethanol before analysis. .Smears and filters are analyzed directly without any sample preparation.The RTML consists of two separate trailers that are powered from portable 30 and 50 kW diesel generators. One trailer, 2.4 m wide x 7.3 m long (8 x 24 ft), houses the sample preparation laboratory that is equipped with a Class A fume hood, a drying ove...