“…Available datasets tend to be few in number, creating low spatial and temporal resolution for assessing complex processes. While the RRD is comparatively well-represented, with >20 sedimentary cores, most radiometrically dated [141], compared to, for example, c. 36 cores from the larger Mekong Delta [301], shifting distributary channels, differential influence from wave, tide, and fluvial processes, subsidence and uplift, long-shore current, and sea level fluctuations, and human activity affect morphological development [108,302]. Limited standardisation between source dataincluding differing coordinate systems, project objectives, available measuring precision, and even agreement on what should constitute a representative coastline (e.g., between mean highwater [MHW], mean sea level [MSL] and mean low-water level [MLW])-also continue to problematise reconstruction [106,303,304].…”