As many as 29 mining districts along the Rio Grande Rift in southern New Mexico contain Rio Grande Rift-type (RGR) deposits consisting of fluorite-bariteFsulfide-jarosite, and additional RGR deposits occur to the south in the Basin and Range province near Chihuahua, Mexico. Jarosite occurs in many of these deposits as a late-stage hydrothermal mineral coprecipitated with fluorite, or in veinlets that crosscut barite. In these deposits, many of which are limestone-hosted, jarosite is followed by natrojarosite and is nested within silicified or argillized wallrock and a sequence of fluorite-bariteFsulfide and late hematitegypsum. These deposits range in age from~10 to 0.4 Ma on the basis of 40 Ar/
39Ar dating of jarosite. There is a crude northsouth distribution of ages, with older deposits concentrated toward the south. Recent deposits also occur in the south, but are confined to the central axis of the rift and are associated with modern geothermal systems. The duration of hydrothermal jarosite mineralization in one of the deposits was approximately 1.0 my. Most D 18 O SO 4 -OH values indicate that jarosite precipitated between 80 and 240 8C, which is consistent with the range of filling temperatures of fluid inclusions in late fluorite throughout the rift, and in jarosite (180 8C) from Peña Blanca, Chihuahua, Mexico. These temperatures, along with mineral occurrence, require that the jarosite have had a hydrothermal origin in a shallow steam-heated environment wherein the low pH necessary for the precipitation of jarosite was achieved by the oxidation of H 2 S derived from deeper hydrothermal fluids. The jarosite also has high trace-element contents (notably As and F), and the jarosite parental fluids have calculated isotopic signatures similar to those of modern geothermal waters along the southern rift; isotopic values range from those typical of meteoric water to those of deep brine that has been shown to form from the dissolution of Permian evaporite by deeply circulating meteoric water. Jarosite d 34 S values range from À24x to 5x, overlapping the values for barite and gypsum at the high end of the range and for sulfides at the low end. Most d 34 S values for barite are 10.6x to 13.1x, and many d 34 S values for gypsum range from 13.1x to 13.9x indicating that a component of aqueous sulfate was derived from Permian evaporites (d 34 S=12F2x). The requisite H 2 SO 4 for jarosite formation was derived from oxidation of H 2 S which was likely largely sour gas derived from the thermochemical reduction of Permian sulfate. The low d This article is a U.S. government work, and is not subject to copyright in the United States.caves that may have been caused by the low pH of the deep basin fluids due to the addition of deep-seated HF and other magmatic gases during periods of renewed rifting. Caves in other deposits may be due to sulfuric acid speleogenesis as a result of H 2 S incursion into oxygenated groundwaters. The isotopic data in these bsour gasQ jarosite occurrences encode a record of episodic tect...