<0.1 g/t, 은품위가 평균 5.7 g/t으로 은적광산(금; 12.3 g/t, 은; 1,380.0 g/t) 과 상은광산(금; 2.7 g/t, 은; 23.5 g/t)에 비해 남측으로 가면서 금, 은의 품위는 현저히 떨어지는 반면, 그 외 연, 아연 등 유화광물 함량은 증가하는 양상을 보인다.핵심어: 영암광화대, 은적-상은 광상, 석영맥, 북북서-남남동 방향, 금-은 광화작용 Abstract: The Yeongam mineralized zone is located in the southwestern part of the Korean peninsula, including the Sangeun, Eunjeok and Baramjai mines. This zone is located in the northeastern part of the Mokpo-Haenam-Yeongam volcanic circular structure. The 13 sites of quartz vein with mineralization are developed in the Sangeun-Eunjeok-Baramjai area, within rhyolitic welded tuff, showing N-S or NNW trend with highly dipping to the west. The quartz veins occur as a single vein or a bundle of veins with width of 1-5 cm in each. The existence of faults parallel to the quartz veins indicates that the faulting occurred before and after the development of quartz veins and mineralization. The quartz veins and mineralized zone are displaced by NW-trending sinistral strike-slip faults. The extension of the SangeunEunjeok mineralized belt is traced to the south, following a NNW-trending tectonic line, and the Au-Ag contents are analysed in the 12 sites of quartz veins. Contents of gold and silver are 12.3 g/t and 1,380.0 g/t in Eunjeok mine, 2.7 g/t, 23.5g in Sangeun mine, and <0.1 g/t, 5.7 g/t in Baramjai mine respectively. Therefore, a highly Ag-Au mineralized zone is not developed in the southern part of the studied area.