“…Here we simplify the section, with three main units, from top to bottom: (1) a thick ($275 m.) sequence of diatomaceous silty clay with erratics and ash beds; (2) a thick ($450 m.) sequence of silty clay with sand and silt turbidite beds; and (3) a thin ($50 m) sequence of varicolored claystone interbedded with chalk. This section rests on a basement consisting of olivine basalt with an estimated age of anomaly 20, or 45 Ma (von Heune and Kulm, 1973). Sediment ages assume constant sedimentation rate between tie points at 208, 400, 507, 688, 689, 750 and 769 mbsf (with ages as given in Table 1, based on information in DSDP 178 initial report, von Huene and Kulm, 1973, pp.…”