Age can be precisely estimated from the number of cement zones in stocks of roe deer living in Hungarian habitats. Growth zones of the cement stock can be assessed also on dental slides; however, it is more exact with histotechnical methods, first of all with the Goldner trichromium, Heidenhain azan and Giemsa dying.In the case of roe deer, age estimation is not applicable with slide techniques on the basis of secondary dentin, since the prepared dental slides presenting the secondary dentin did not show any sing of age-related layers in the sample of analysis. On the other hand histological examinations can be successfully applied just like in the case of the cementum. Age estimation by tooth wear yields very close, statistically verifiable correlation with the age estimated form cement zones. Crown height of the molars exhibit strong, statistically proven relationship with the age estimated from cement zones, except the P 1 teeth. In all the samples the strongest relation appears for the total average of molars. Highly close relation can be observed in the case of M 1 , M 2 and M 3 teeth. Length parameters of I 1 teeth indicate a statistically verifiable relation with the age estimated from cement zones. The angle of I 1 teeth and the age estimated from cementum shows no proper relation, consequently this parameter is not indicative of age.Dry matter content of the lens in bucks is intensive up to the first year of age, becoming statistically negligible in the succeeding years. On the other hand, lens weight of does keeps growing up to approximately 5 years of age.According to RAJNIK (1977) there is a close, statistically verifiable relation between the estimated ages of does coming from cement zones and from the nasal septum. Examining the nasal septum of does gives appropriate information on age.On-site age estimation of live roe-deer is an acceptable procedure complying with practical requirements, but the professional experience, training and precision of the person performing the estimation fundamentally determines the reliability of the method.Considering that in a given case trophy judgement may result in imposing sanctions against a hunter or a person entitled to hunting, the accuracy of this method is not acceptable. According to our study the age estimated from cement zones was only in an average agreement of 37.6% with age estimation coming from trophy judgement.KULCSSZAVAK: őz, Capreolus capreolus, kor-megállapítási módszerek KEYWORDS: Roe Deer, Capreolus capreolus, age estimation methods,
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