ABSTRAK Dengan mewabahnya COVID-19 dan menyebar sangat cepat lebih dari 190 negara maka ditetapkan sebagai pandemik oleh WHO. Dalam menghadapi lonjakan kasus penyakit COVID-19, petugas kesehatan dan sistem pelayanan kesehatan di seluruh dunia mengadopsi pendekatan pengobatan melalui virtual tanpa pertemuan fisik antara pasien dan petugas kesehatan. Pelayanan kesehatan ibu hamil, bersalin, nifas dan bayi baru lahir di masa pandemic COVID-19 diselenggarakan dengan mempertimbangkan pencegahan penularan virus corona baik bagi ibu, bayi maupun tenaga kesehatan. Pembatasan kunjungan pemeriksaan ANC, PNC diimbangi dengan layanan konsultasi online antara tenaga kesehatan dan ibu secara peorangan maupun pada Kelas Ibu secara online. Untuk menghindari keterpaparan virus COVID-19, maka pemerintah melalui protokol satuan tugas menganjurkan agar pelayanan kesehatan melalui telemedicine. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan bidan dalam memberikan pelayanan asuhan kebidanan melalui Telemedicine pada masa pandemic Covid-19. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan webinar dan launching halobid karawang pada seluruh bidan di Kabupaten Karawang. Hasil yang diperoleh bidan dapat memberikan layanan konsultasi online kepada masyarakat berupa aplikasi Halobid Karawang yang dapat di akses melalui Google Play Store. Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, Keterampilan, Bidan, Covid-19 ABSTRACT With the outbreak of COVID-19 and spreading very quickly in more than 190 countries, WHO has declared it a pandemic. In the face of the surge in cases of COVID-19, health workers and health care systems around the world are adopting a virtual treatment approach without physical encounters between patients and health workers. Health services for pregnant women, childbirth, postpartum and newborns during the COVID-19 pandemic are held by considering the prevention of transmission of the corona virus for both mothers, babies and health workers. The limitation of ANC and PNC examination visits is balanced with online consultation services between individual health workers and mothers as well as online Mother Class. To avoid exposure to the COVID-19 virus, the government through the task force protocol recommends that health services be in the form of education through teleconsultation. The purpose of this service is to increase the knowledge and skills of midwives in providing midwifery care services through teleconsultation during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method of implementing this service is carried out by conducting socialization webinars and launching halobid Karawang to all midwives in Karawang Regency. The results obtained by midwives can provide online consultation services to the public in the form of the Halobid Karawang application which can be accessed via the Google Play Store. Keywords: Knowledge, Skills, Midwife, teleconsultation, Covid-19