To present a comprehensive review of current literature available on Corona virus disease and dentistry, modifications required in dental and laboratory settings; and recommended disinfection protocols in current scenario. Special emphasis has been given to discuss guidelines for handling different prosthodontic procedures and implications of this pandemic on prosthodontic practice, education and research.
Materials and methods
Relevant literature pertaining to COVID-19 and dentistry was scrutinized on electronic search engines including PubMed, EMBASE and Cochrane. Guidelines given by various organizations, institutions, national and international regulatory bodies and Indian Prosthodontic Society were also consulted to gather information pertaining to the objectives of our review.
and observations: A total of 160 articles including cross-sectional studies, in vitro study, narrative reviews, letters to the editor and opinions were found to be relevant in accordance with our search strategy. Documented literature revealed that Covid-19 pandemic has culminated in serious clinical, financial and psychological implications in the field of dentistry. Certain steps such as adoption of teledentistry, judicious use of protective equipment, use of rubber dams, pre-procedural rinses have been suggested unanimously. However, there is a dearth of evidence-based recommendations in literature. Data regarding consequences of delaying prosthodontic procedures and patients’ perspectives is also sparse.
The COVID-19 necessitates the need to adopt a balanced approach while treating patients and safeguarding the dental professionals at the same time. Risk-benefit ratio has to be assessed along with stringent following of guidelines and disinfection protocols to combat this unprecedented situation.