We consider dissipation in a recently proposed nonlinear Klein-Gordon dynamics that admits soliton-like solutions of the power-law form e i(kx−wt) q , involving the q-exponential function naturally arising within the nonextensive thermostatistics [e z q ≡ [1 + (1 − q)z] 1/(1−q) , with e z 1 = e z ]. These basic solutions behave like free particles, complying, for all values of q, with the de Broglie-Einstein relations p = k, E = ω and satisfying a dispersion law corresponding to the relativistic energymomentum relation E 2 = c 2 p 2 + m 2 c 4 . The dissipative effects explored here are described by an evolution equation that can be regarded as a nonlinear version of the celebrated telegraphists equation, unifying within one single theoretical framework the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation, a nonlinear Schroedinger equation, and the power-law diffusion (porous media) equation. The associated dynamics exhibits physically appealing soliton-like traveling solutions of the q-plane wave form with a complex frequency ω and a q-Gaussian square modulus profile.