Analytical approach for strain and piezoelectric potential in conical self-assembled quantum dots J. Appl. Phys. 104, 083524 (2008); 10.1063/1.2999639 N incorporation into InGaAs cap layer in InAs self-assembled quantum dots Effects of seed layer on the realization of larger self-assembled coherent InAs/GaAs quantum dots Plan-view and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy have been used for a detailed study of the defects formed in capped InAs/ GaAs quantum dot ͑QD͒ samples. Three main types of defects, V-shaped defects, single stacking faults, and stacking fault pyramids, were found to form under growth conditions that led to either very large, indium enriched, or coalesced islands. All three types of defects originate at the buried quantum dot layer and then travel through the GaAs cap to the surface on the ͕111͖ planes. The V-shaped defects were the most common and typically consisted of two pairs of closely spaced 60°Shockley partials with a ͗211͘ line direction. The two pairs originate together at the buried QD layer and then travel in "opposite" directions on different ͕111͖ planes. The second type of defect is the single stacking fault which consists of a single pair of partial dislocations separated by an Ϸ50 nm wide stacking fault. Finally, both complete and incomplete stacking fault pyramids were observed. In the case of the complete stacking fault pyramid the bounding dislocations along the ͓110͔, ͓110͔, ͓101͔, and ͓101͔ directions were identified as stair rods. A possible mechanism for the stacking fault pyramid formation, which can also account for the creation of incomplete stacking fault pyramids, is presented.